These recorded conversations will one day be historic, as I believe that the value of the MMS idea that Jim Humble introduced will be embraced far and wide, around the world. At this point in time, the public is still virtually unaware of the HeLa cell factor, which we intend to change.
Below are short and long versions of a conversation that Grant and I had on the chemistry of MMS. He’s describing what happened after he inhaled industrial chlorine dioxide gas in Kamloops, which eventually led him to search for, find, use, and then study the chemistry behind it.
The full-length [60-minute run-time] edition:
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Amazing deep study Adam ! I am blown up by your talk !
Can you give a transcription of your latest youtube video, because I’d like to translate it to French for my visitors on http://lemineralmiracle.com. This is very important discovery on MMS in my opinion !! Thanks a lot Adam ! (It seems my comment on youtube fail to register, so I post here)
…je vous remercie beaucoup mon ami…
What happened to the post about the doctor on Long Island? I live on long Island and wanted to contact him but since I didn’t write his name down and can’t find the post I have no way of knowing who he is…
Please let me know. Thanks!
Hi Adam, I’m skeptical about ClO2 having caused liver damage and death as, IMO the FDA has been looking assiduously for damaging effects from it. If this were true, anyone providing information about or material for MMS would have had an FDA swat team breaking down their door before now. So it will be interesting to hear the evidence Fred provides for his assertion.
Bruce. As I have progressed through the Chlorite Matrix research, I always remember one very specific warning out of Pre-2002 NIOSH which states VERY CLEARLY that any ClO2 used in Potable Water supplies MUST BE MADE FROM SODIUM CHLORITE reacted with Citric acid. This warning was issued because of the IDIOTS running Corpus Cristie on Texas using the Kraft Pulping version of ClO2 as a gas. That made a lot people develop cancers.
Now, there is an attack taking place on your Title 40 laws, because of the NAFTA/GrandCo agreement, which involves the “reviewing” of all stated laws and rules in that Title 40 EPA. When you find a molecule which has been “re-classified”, there always is a reference to “SUPER FUND”. This is the Nafta/GrandCo wet dream. Because of that “$” dream, there are now at least 400 US cities using the BAD ClO2 IN THEIR POTABLE WATER SUPPLY.
Other cities are using Ozone, which interacts with Bromide Ions, and produced the highly toxic Potassium Bromate PBrO3(PB).
Both the BAD ClO2 and the PBrO3(PB) cause liver (renal) cancers and are mutagenic. If someone feels the need to point fingers, they should first research all possible potential causes of whatever issue is being looked at.
The tissue in question has to be checked for sodium chlorate-caused ClO2, Ozone-caused PBrO3(PB), Vaccine-included MERCURY POISONING, and also for that bloody alien to planet Earth HeLa Cell. ALL of these things are presently causing liver cancer, AS IS Hepatitis B and C.
These are the major causes of Liver Cancer today, and the liver in question has to be checked for ALL of them. If this will EVER BECOME A COURT CASE, these questions must be answered first. Remember, if the HeLa cells are present in the tissue sample, the conditions may change as the HeLa cells go through mitosis.
Hi Adam,
I use electrolysis-based water ionizing systems. I am interested to know what your thoughts about them is. Thanks a lot.
Adam, these obvious red flags should make you question what this new ND is doing:
“theories of MMS sound interesting”
“chemistry RELATED to MMS was in the tissues”
“the fact is that it is toxic and will have a negative effect down the road” Prove that statement.
“the few they claim success”
Why would a new doctor on the block, who just hung out his ND diploma want to use MMS which costs pennies and when the patient can cure himself at home? Follow the money trail, as usual.
Wow! Am I confused now!
Am I right that you are not saying that MMS1 is dangerous but that inhaling the gas from activated MMS can be?
Or are you saying that MMS1 is dangerous and can be fatal so keep away?
Dick, quite the opposite. The evidence is that when the acid is added to the sodium chlorite (MMS) solution, a *species* of ClO2 is generated that lasts for an INSTANT, which then breaks down to chlorite (ClO2-), and then to chloride (Cl-), all of which is beneficial to the body.
I said that some people have inadvertently taken *stupid* amounts of MMS, and the body took measures to purge. It wasn’t fatal.
Thanks for putting me straight Adam.
Hello Adam
I would like to hear the continued reasoning.
I am learning much from these discussions in relation to ones i’m having with personal contacts.
Hi Adam, I would certainly like to know more about this, and yes I would be interested in the 66 minute conversation. I am a supporter of MMS and have seen some good results from it, however its not for everyone. I used it for a period of time to treat my NH Lymphoma but had to cease as it dramatically decreased my already fragile Red Cell count. Dr. Eichhorn’s thoughts are important as there may be many users of MMS that are in fact causing themselves harm. Very interesting. And thanks for the Article.
Mike. Did you actually see slides of your blood? Was there evidence of cell clumping? And, regarding your red cell blood count, are you sure that actual RED BLOOD CELLS were being attacked? I have seen video clips of HeLa Cells being attacked, but the accompanying Red Cells were left untouched.
Remember that most lab techs don’t know what HeLa is.
Just know that HeLa Cells are attacked by the detoxified Chlorite Matrix, and if the Chlorite Matrix is properly batched from the proper materials, nothing else is attacked.
Remember, PURE sodium chlorite, PURE natural source citric acid, PURE distilled water. These PURE molecules produce a Chlorite Matrix which produces ClO2- AS A GAS, which lasts for less than 1/3 of one second. Detoxification is complete, therefore the Chlorite Matrix is absolutely safe. It won’t kill red blood cells.
Hi Grant, thanks for your reply.
No I did not see slides of my blood, however the Pathology reports indicated moderate clumping. I am not totally familiar with this latest information on MMS etc but I can tell you that I was very fastidious in my testing and record keeping while I was my own guinea pig.
I got the same results both times I used MMS, and also when I tried Cesium Chloride.
My hemoglobin levels dropped significantly (around 18%) during each 3 month trail period, and slowly recovered to the previously compromised levels in about two months after the trial ended.
I did read somewhere that MMS should not be used for blood born cancers, however I am willing to try it again if there is new information on how MMS should be prepared and administered.
Mike. I have to be explicit with regard to the Chlorite Matrix, and what it actually does regarding human blood which DOES suffer any ongoing attack involving HeLa Cells. Distinctions must be made. Locate the blog which provides the WF10 Patent 6086922. Open that and take whatever time required to understand the condition of the advanced HIV AIDS infected blood carried by all four Trial volunteers. Understand the document before moving on to the WF10 ingredients. There are other WF10 abstracts which clearly define it as using the five mild acids which I refer to, AND also included is Perborate. The Perborate is nature’s way of attacking mold, fungus, etc, and is clearly non toxic AND beneficial to human health.
Important, is the purity of the ingredients used. Remember that the purest Sodium Chlorite is ALWAYS used. Therefore, pure Sodium Chlorite, pure mild acids, pure NON OZONE TREATED distilled water, pure Perborate.
Perborate doesn’t attack human cells, and neither does any of the other ingredients. In fact, ALL of the above ingredients are taken in and/or naturally produced by the human body. Looking at the above statement with regard to the human cell, zero harm is done, or can be done.
Now look at the available MMS. what else is included in the molecule that can produce secondary chemistry, OR increase the size of the molecule, OR cause the death of healthy human cells? If Sodium Chlorate is present, then there is SECONDARY chemistry which produces a very dangerous free radical/oxidizer which will attack human cells.
It is truly that simple. The presence of the Sodium Chlorate in the MMS assures Oxidative stress and an attack on the krebs cycle and the immune system. The only molecule which I have found which ABSOLUTELY, SAFELY REVERSES THE MULTIPLES OF EFFECTS OF OXIDATIVE STRESS, IS PROTANDIM. Use it. Stick with the original. Protandim is one of the molecules which kills HeLa.
The next thing to be addressed involves the clumping of red blood cells. Find the blog “In his own words, The Chlorite Matrix”. Scroll down to the image of the cell wall showing the Sodium/Potassium pump’s action. Note the charge states. Do you see how the existing charge states of cells will naturally keep them apart? What would have to occur in order for the cells to be attracted to each other? In other words, what causes the cells to “clump”? What has to be occurring is a change in the field potential which also involves the attractor Amino Acids.
The Krebs Cycle is VERY DEPENDENT upon the energy produced during the naturally occurring electricity produced by the decay of the Elements used in the Human Cell. Those Elements are Potassium (only taken in by diet), Sodium, Calcium, and Chlorine. Sulfur is also present, and is important for at least three OTHER processes.
Also, there are eight Amino Acids which are taken in only by diet. Five of those Amino Acids are absolutely critical to the workings of the Krebs Cycle.
Summing up, ONE of the Sodium Potassium pump’s firings are very likely attracting nearby Human Cells, BECAUSE of the loss of the Amino Acid ATTRACTOR required to complete the firing circuit. The firing is quite powerful, and will complete itself on nearby cell’s ATTRACTOR Amino Acids.
Clumping begins. Two things must occur in order for the Krebs Cycle and the Immune System to return to proper function. The HeLa Cell and Field must be eliminated, and the proper Amino Acid must be present at the Voltage-Gated Ion Channel or Sodium-Potassium Pump.
I am finding more papers which clearly show and state that the Chlorite Matrix KILLS HeLa CELLS! That is good. Also, I have found four papers which clearly state that the DMSO also KILLS HeLa CELLS! That is also very good.
Also, I now believe that NEARLY EVERY CASE of Human Blood red cell clumping is due to the HeLa 15,000,000 Volt Per Meter field, and that field’s destructive effect on the Human Cell’s “target” Amino Acids.
Ps. Last year, I looked at the Cesium Chloride deal. The molecule appears somewhat similar to the mms, but the element Cesium isn’t good for you. Don’t use it.